Why You Should (Still) Choose WordPress in 2024


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Unleashing the Power of WordPress for Your Business

At Lunchbreak, where we craft exquisite WordPress designs, we frequently encounter a common question: Why WordPress? Is it worth switching to from my current platform? If you’ve wondered these same questions, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore why WordPress, particularly the self-hosted WordPress.org, stands out as an unparalleled choice for your business website.

WordPress Beyond Blogging

Contrary to a prevalent misconception, WordPress is not merely a blogging tool. It’s a versatile website builder and a robust content management system (CMS) that has evolved far beyond its blogging roots. Its flexibility and user-friendly interface make it the preferred choice for a myriad of websites. In fact, recent research indicates that a staggering 43% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress.

Major brands such as Time Magazine, Facebook, Sony, and The New York Times leverage WordPress for their online presence. The reason is clear – WordPress offers a robust foundation with powerful features that can cater to diverse business needs.

1. It’s FREE

Let’s explore why WordPress being free is a significant advantage, especially when guided by Lunchbreak. It’s not just about the cost – it’s about the flexibility that comes with it. WordPress is like your personal digital canvas, ready for your unique touch.

At its core, WordPress is an open-source gem. This means you can use and tweak it without spending a dime. However, to set up shop, you’ll need a domain name and reliable web hosting. Here’s where Lunchbreak steps in, ensuring a smooth journey into the WordPress universe.

Think of WordPress as a tool, and Lunchbreak as your experienced guide, helping you navigate the digital landscape. It’s not just a free ride; it’s an opportunity to bring your digital ideas to life without financial constraints. Embrace this freedom, start your WordPress journey with Lunchbreak, and watch your digital vision unfold effortlessly. Your canvas is ready – let Lunchbreak be your gateway to digital success.

2. WordPress Is User-Friendly

Starting the WordPress journey feels like stepping into a tech-savvy friend’s home – warm, inviting, and surprisingly easy to navigate. The intuitive dashboard is your command center, simplifying content creation, design tweaks, and overall site management. It’s like having the keys to a powerful machine without needing an engineering degree.

Tried navigating the WordPress admin area before and didn’t like it? No worries, WordPress core is releasing a revamped admin area sometime this year in 2024. Lunchbreak can also design & implement a completely custom front end dashboard for you and your team to manage the site as well. Just let us know!

What sets WordPress apart is its dedication to user-friendly experiences. Regular updates are seamlessly integrated, ensuring your site stays current with the latest features. Installing plugins is a breeze, enhancing your site’s functionality with just a few clicks. The friendly atmosphere extends to backup solutions, making data protection as simple as hitting a button. Witnessing beginners evolve into seasoned WordPress users over the past decade is a testament to this platform’s commitment to user ease – a characteristic that truly makes it the people’s choice.

3. WordPress Is Highly Customizable

You don’t need to be a coding wizard to shape a visually stunning website with WordPress, but it can help. It’s like having a creative toolkit at your disposal, filled with a vast array of free themes. The beauty lies in the customization possibilities, achievable without delving into complex code. Take themes like Astra – not only do they provide a polished, professional appearance, but they also offer easy customization options.

Imagine WordPress as a tailor’s workshop, where you can craft a website that perfectly aligns with your brand’s identity. The flexibility extends beyond aesthetics; plugins effortlessly add new features, transforming your site without requiring a coding crash course. WordPress becomes a canvas for your digital masterpiece, and the best part is you hold the brush, whether you’re a tech whiz or a complete novice.

Lunchbreak specializes in Custom WordPress design & Development, so we can create pretty much anything based on top of WordPress. Whether you have an MVP in mind for a SaaS tool, or you want to create an internal wiki for you business, Lunchbreak can help!

4. WordPress Is Built for SEO Visibility

In the bustling digital landscape, being seen is non-negotiable. WordPress doesn’t just understand this; it’s built with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in its DNA. The underlying high-quality code and semantic markup are like a welcome mat for search engines. Yet, the journey towards SEO excellence doesn’t stop there. Enter plugins like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) – your SEO ally that takes your site’s visibility up a notch. Our in-depth guide on setting up AIOSEO is your roadmap to navigating the complex terrain of SEO, ensuring your site gets the attention it deserves.

5. WordPress Is a Fortified Castle

In the realm of online existence, security is the fortress that guards your digital castle. WordPress takes this seriously, providing a robust foundation for your website’s safety. While the platform itself is a secure haven, our step-by-step guide adds an extra layer of protection, fortifying your site against potential online threats. Think of it as not just having a castle but also ensuring it’s equipped with the best defenses available.

6. WordPress is Time Tested

Amidst the ever-changing landscape of website builders, WordPress stands as a reliable beacon of stability. Its status as open-source software means it’s not beholden to the whims of a single entity. The absence of a CEO is unique; instead, the WordPress Foundation safeguards its longevity. The community, a robust network of users, developers, and businesses, cements WordPress as a global phenomenon.

Think of WordPress not merely as a platform but as a digital legacy, supported by a community that ensures its perpetuity. It’s the backbone for various website types – from the expressive world of blogs to the functionality-driven domains of online stores, membership platforms, and educational portals. The possibilities within the WordPress realm are as expansive as your imagination, promising a digital journey without limits.

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